The Chakras are subtle energy points within and around the physical body; vortexes of energy that act as energy gateways.
Universal energy is a form of light. The physical body consists of energy that vibrates very slowly, which is why it appears to our physical eyes to be solid. Because it is seen and experienced, we have focused on the physical aspect of ourselves but our bodies also have a subtle energy body which is unseen, but not outside of our perception. It is simply a higher vibration of light.
Our subtle energy system consists of chakras or points of connection which direct the light into the physical body using meridians. This creates an energetic field around the physical body known as the auric field or aura; our personal field of light. Chakras are energy centers where the light enters the body. They form a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth within our body.
Chakras are centers for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of life-force energy. They are the stepping stones between heaven and earth.
Anodea Judith
Spend time in nature. Be aware of the sensations you experience: the light and shadow, the wind that whispers, the song of a bird, the sensation of sunlight on your face.