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  • Be AURA CANDLES are hand-poured pure coconut and beeswax, infused with organic essential oils. Beeswax is the only wax to illuminate the full spectrum of light. Resonant crystals anchor and amplify the energy, adorning the surface. 



    JADE   gemstone essence

    - Jade amplifies healing energies. It relieves anxiety and alchemizes fear. Jade prevents negative energy or negative influences from affecting your aura. The fountain of youth of gemstones.

    TOURMALINE   gemstone essence

    - ​​​Tourmaline is a shaman stone. It is used in rituals to cleanse, purify and transform dense energy. Tourmaline alchemizes and amplifies energy. It grounds spiritual energy into the earth. 

    ROSE QUARTZ   gemstone essence

    - Rose Quartz amplifies higher states of consciousness, increasing your energetic vibration. It releases negative emotion and trauma whether fear, jealousy or anger. It magnifies energy for a dynamic effect and is a coupling stone.


    *ROSE BULGARIAN  essential oil

    – Rose Bulgarian has a rich intoxicating scent. It promotes happiness and the body, mind and spirit.  Rose is used to heal soul.

    *MANDARIN  essential oil

    – Mandarin has a beautiful citrus scent. It has a purifying effect. It alchemizes energy. It 

    transforms and liberates energy.  

    *LAVENDER  essential oil

    - Lavender has a romantic floral scent. Lavender can dispel dark emotions of fear by embodying love and light. It works with healing the heart.

    *YLANG YLANG  essential oil

    - Ylang Ylang has a rich and romantic floral scent. It is a mood enhancer which both calms the body and stimulates arousal, intoxicating.

    *JASMINE  essential oil

    - Jasmine has a heavenly scent. It relates to the right side of the brain, stimulating creativity, imagination and manifestation. It inspires beauty.


    *certified organic, wild harvested essential oils


    Be. Love (HEART + SOUL)

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